
Mrs. Doubtfire

“Mrs.Doubtfire” is American comedy movie and it was made in 1993. Robin Williams did special makeup in this movie. The makeup got Academy Award for Makeup.

He played Daniel who is a actor but he isn’t popular and didn’t have no working. He married with Miranda and they have 3 children. He liked his children so much, so he devoted everything to his children. Miranda didn’t like the situation, so she decided to divorce with him and she got the nurture right and Daniel could meet his children once a week. He didn’t endure it, so he thought of the idea that he did special make. He was made up by his brother who was a makeup artist. After it, he looks like a grandmother because he tried to be Miranda’s housekeeper. Then he made himself Mrs.Doubtfire. The name came from “doubt fire”. It was written in newspaper. He could Miranda’s housekeeper and spent with his children as Mrs.Doubtfire.

(150 words)

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